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Upma Singh
Vice Principal

Dear all
I feel elated to be a part of this noble profession of teaching. Educators like us, everyday, touch thousands of lives and souls and try to show them the righteous path with the best of our ability, action and example. Over the years what we have learnt from life's lessons we try to pass on to the younger generation.
We at BHARAT RAM GLOBAL SCHOOL, provide sound education, designed to train the learners for the world tomorrow and so the school provides sound, safe and intellectually challenging environment that will empower students to become innovative thinkers, creative problem solvers and inspired learners prepared to strive in the world.

It is very important to remain grounded while aspiring to achieve your aims. " A tree that wants to touch the sky must extend its roots into the earth.The more it wants to rise upwards, the more it has to grow downwards. So to rise in life, we must be down to earth,humble and grateful."