
Sir Shri Ram
Lala Shri Ram was born on April 27,1884. LalaShri Ram was 25 years old, when he joined DCM. He possessed an analytical mind, and an infinite capacity for work, a knack for human relation. His view of business and perhaps of himself was captured in later years in his revealing statements, “In my humble opinion, business is not merely a matter of attending to work for a few hours. It is a matter of thinking, dreaming, imagining and working.”
His election in 1930 at the age of 46 as the president of FICCI was the first initiation into national stature.
During his life, Lala Shri Ram’s main emphasis was on vocational, technical and women’s education. As far back in 1920, he had decided to conduct the first experiment in vocation-oriented education by founding the Commercial Education Trust. The first school taken over by Commercial Education Trust was the Commercial High School. His Association with the Trust continued until his last days. The Commercial High school was raised in 1926 to the standard of an intermediate College, in 1930 to a degree college and in 1934 to a post-graduate college.
In 1942, Lala Shri Ram became the Chairman of the Governing Body of the College. By the year 1948, although comparatively young among the colleges of Delhi University, the Commercialcollege had the maximum enrolment possible under the University rule. The college offered B.A. Pass course and the B.A. Honors course in Commerce and M.A. course in Economics and Commerce.
In 1950, the college was renamed “Shri Ram college of Commerce” and was shifted to the University enclave from its original address at 8, Darya Ganj, New Delhi.
Lala Shri Ram passed away on January 11,1963. Dr. S. Radhakrishnan, the then president of India remarked that Lalajiwas ” not only a great industrialist but helped many good causes. His contributions to education are memorable”.

Dr. Bharat Ram
Dr. Bharat ram (October 15, 1914- July 11, 2007), the son of late Lala Shri Ram, was an Indian Industrialist who built DCM and founded the renowned Shri Ram Group and DCM. He representeda legacy of more than 100 years beginning from his father Sir LalaShri Ram.
Bharat Ram graduated in Economics from St. Stephen’s college, Delhi. After his graduation, he joined Delhi Cloth and General Mills Co. Ltd. (DCM Ltd.). He started his career at DCM as an apprentice in 1935 and rose to the position of chairman and managing director by 1958. He had also set up Shri Ram Fertilizers.
Bharat Ram was the external face of the DCM group. He served on innumerable government committees and wrote two books: Glimpses of Industrial India and From Istanbul to Vienna. Coming from the capital’s premier business family, Bharat Ram was a respected public figure—the government made him the chairman of Indian Airlines.
He is regarded as one of the most influential leaders of the federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, which he headed in 1965. Prior to that he served as the President of the PHDCCI and later as the first Asian President of the International Chamber of Commerce.
His views on education , “Quality education is the birth right of all segments of society across India” Dr. Bharat Ram